Monday, November 5, 2007

Quarter One Debrief

I think that I did well in EE10 for first quarter. I tried to get all of my homework in on time, and I finished writing drafts and outlines for the right dates. I learned how to write analytical papers much more efficiently, although I still need some work. I learned how to analyze images and films, along with all of those spiffy terms. I learned how to write a real thesis statement and not just a list. I improved a lot on my writing in general and how I organize my thoughts. I still need to work on my writing and thesis statements. I'm still feeling a little iffy on that, but hopefully with this big research paper I will become more comfortable with the organizational things I need help with. The class environment is good!! My goals for Q2 are to concentrate on improving my writing skills, and learn to write even better thesis statements. I want to really work on getting the analytical stuff down. Can't wait for second quarter! :) 10/4


Anna W said...

Nice use of the word spiffy. It's a good word. I agree that essay writing is probably the hardest thing right now, but most of the class probably has improved on that quite a lot, thanks to Ms. Froehlich's superb teaching skills. But yes, thesis statements are definately going to drive me crazy someday. Actually, I think they already have. Hopefully I can improve on those too.

Nadia said...

i agree! i like that word:) i really want to work on my writing skills too esp. analysis papers. the extremely loud and incredibly close paper was my first ever but i was happy with the end result. i do know i definently have a lot to learn but thanks for helping me out! im a little nervous for the reseach paper but im just gonna give it my best shot. I know u'll do great on it! nice job!

Ruth F said...

I thought it was so much fun to learn how to analize photos and film too!! That is a great skill to have. I think it's great that you can look at what you did and see how you can make improvements, such as with a thesis statement as you say. I am having a hard time analysing as well, but maybe it will go better for you once the play is over!

Ms. Froehlich said...

I too enjoy your use of the word "spiffy". Most likely you feel like you have a pretty firm grasp on thesis statements after the research paper is over! Keep up the strong effort you showed during Q1 and I'm sure you'll achieve all your goals.

Julia H said...

I agree that I like our class environment most of the time. I too need to work on writing and thesis statements. I also need help one my organization. I try to organize my papers but it just doesn't seem to work. Good luck for second quarter.

edinacaitlin said...
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edinacaitlin said...

Good job Evie :) It sounds like you had an awesome 1st quarter! I hope your second quarter is doing just as well!!